Become Our Partner

We value integrity, professionalism, and delivering a reliable white glove service. We want businesses with similar values (like yours) to join us in giving customers high quality care when selling or consigning their vehicle.


The Referral Partnership Program 

We sell and consign cars to provide clients with expertise, ease, and convenience while maximizing their value. We photograph the vehicle, list across all major sites and update as the client sees fit, and vet out leads to achieve this gold standard.

When you refer your client to us, you can ensure that they are in good hands. We know the importance of building and maintaining a relationship and want your clients to come back to you satisfied. In order to express our gratitude towards this partnership, you will receive percentage of the final sale fee generated after discounts and expenses. Let us deal with the hassle of selling the vehicle while we provide you with a passive stream of income for your referral. In addition, we are open to collaboration on social media and across websites to let others know the value of your business.

Get in touch.

Fill out this form if you would like to become our partner. We will be in touch to set up a meeting.